1) Linear insertion sort has just correctly position x[60] in the following array x;
x= 20 40 60 30 10 50 show x after each of x[30] and x[10] is correctly positioned
2) In what situation will linear insertion sort make the fewest interchanges?
answer :
1) when x[30] correcctly positioned x= 20 30 40 60 10 50
when x[10] correcctly positioned x= 10 20 30 40 60 50
2) when it is already sorted
Write a recursive java function that copies a binary tree. (Use java only , and please describe your code)
public BinarySearchTree<E> rcopy(){
BinarySearchTree<E> newTree = new BinarySearchTree<E>(); newTree.root = rcopy(root); newTree.size=newTree.nodes(); return newTree; } private Entry <E> rcopy(Entry <E> current){ Entry <E> b=new Entry<E>(); if(current!=null){ if(current.left!=null)b.left=rcopy(current.left); if(current.right!=null)b.right=rcopy(current.right); b.element = current.element; b.parent = successor(current); } return b; }
1. A Boolean expression is one that is either:a. true or falseb.x or yc.Positive or negatived.None of theseanswer: a
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